You may or may not know there is some amazing science behind showing black and white images and patterns to newborn babies. I find this very fascinating and so do babies!
Showing babies black and white images gives them a chance to see it clearly and experience part of the wider world. Their sight is still developing when they are first born so they can only see in black/white and grey until they are about three months old when they will begin to see many more colours.
The benefits of black and white toys:
Helping your baby through play and fun is the best way to start and it also strengthen their cognitive abilities as well as their gross motor skills. By showing them black and white images and toys at a young age they improve attention span, improve their memory and develop their nervous system. Reading to your baby can start at any age so talking to your baby and showing them black and white images is an amazing start for them.
Ideas for the nursery:
When I first designed my little boys nursey I didn't know he was going to be a boy (we waited for a surprise!) I also didn't want a room full of primary colours so I opted for a neutral colour scheme. Little did I know that my newborn baby probably couldn't see any of it! Had I known about the concept of black and white I would have loved to create this theme in the nursery. There are some beautiful black and white fabrics and wallpapers along with accessories to base your theme on. Animals are a great starting point...pandas, zebras etc.
Black and white playmats, rugs and activity gyms are a great addition to the room and perfect for your baby to explore by reaching, touching, grasping and shaking. These items can also be placed in other rooms and not make your home look like a play centre! Books and flashcards can be positioned near changing mats as well as bath stickers and wall art. A baby up to six months old can really only see about 10 to 15 inches in front of them so it is important to select bold and clear images/patterns. I can highly recommend these beautifully illustrated high quality books, flash cards and other nursery accessories from The Little Black and White Book Company and these very clever bath stickers from Block Sensory.
Here at Zippyup we have also designed a gorgeous black and white heart print zipped babygrow which will not only help your baby focus and find interest in their surroundings but they will look super cute too!